Still Possible to Register to the Course “Civic Courage and Global Service”

Through a co-operation with the Newman Institute in Uppsala the Edelstam Foundation can offer the course: “Civic Courage and Global Service.

Civic Courage and Global Service
What is the place of civic courage in the lives of diplomats, aid workers, UN peacekeepers and others engaged in international service? Are these individuals obliged to take great risks in the fulfillment of their duties?  How is one to balance a commitment to aiding distant strangers with a wish to protect one’s own family?  This course explores these and related questions through biographical studies and films about such figures as Raoul Wallenberg and Harald Edelstam; in-class  interviews with diplomats, aid workers and soldiers; and students’ own interview-based research projects.
7,5 högskolepoäng
Stockholm 27/8−15/10
Tisdagar: kl. 18.00−20.30
Kursledare: Brian Palmer och Caroline Edelstam

For registration and further information:

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